Being Mentally Fit
Psychotherapy is a method of treatment used for psychological problems. There are different therapy approaches that psychologists can use to help individuals with their problems and bring about healthy change. Most individuals do best with an individualized therapeutic approach, which is often referred to as an eclectic approach. Dr. Begali is trained in psychotherapy and is certified in clinical hypnosis through the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a specialized approach that involves cognitive restructuring, which helps to correct thinking errors and behavioral techniques for learning better ways to approach the problem.
Psychoanalytic therapy is an approach that allows for the exploration and identification of the origin of psychological problems often rooted in the past so that new and better ways of functioning can be developed and old, unhealthy patterns can be modified.
Solution focussed therapy aims to help you identify the problem and specific solutions.


Hypnotherapy refers to the integration of hypnosis and individual psychotherapy to enhance treatment outcomes. Hypnosis is a state of inner absorption and focused attention. When our minds are concentrated and focussed, we can use our minds more powerfully. It is like using a magnifying glass to focus the sun's rays and make them more powerful. Clinical hypnosis may be used in therapy in three main ways.
One way is to help guide you to use your potential and imagination while in a relaxed state of mind. Mental imagery is very powerful, especially in a focused state of attention. The mind is capable of imagery, even if it is only symbolic, and with guidance, it can assist you in achieving the goals you are imagining. For example, a patient with irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pain, insomnia, or anxiety may be asked to imagine what his/her distress looks like and with hypnosis to imagine the pain or discomfort changing into a more manageable or healthy state.
A second basic hypnotic method is to present ideas or suggestions while in a state of concentrated attention. For example, hypnosis can help patients reduce their worry about upcoming surgery outcomes and help shorten recovery time.
Finally, hypnosis may be used for unconscious exploration, understanding underlying motivations better, or identifying whether past events or experiences are associated with or causing a problem.
Hypnosis avoids the conscious mind's critical censor, which often defeats what we know to be in our best interests. Hypnosis's effectiveness appears to lie in how it bypasses the critical observation and interference of the conscious mind, allowing the individual’s intentions for change to take effect. In hypnosis, the patient is not under the control of the hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is not something imposed upon an individual seeking treatment. It becomes an added means to accomplish treatment goals.